Comparing OSI to OASIS and W3C

David Webber (XML) david at
Fri Mar 4 14:58:10 UTC 2005

Nuts - let's try that again!

Here's the table -

Thanks, DW

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Webber (XML)" <david at>
To: "Robin 'Roblimo' Miller" <robin at>; "Open Source License
Discussion List" <license-discuss at>
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 9:33 AM
Subject: Comparing OSI to OASIS and W3C

> Folks,
> Here's what a chiefly need - something like this table below.
> I know this may be asking for the sky and the stars - but if
> there was something like this it would be very helpful -
> even in draft form.
> Thanks, DW
>       OSI license template name Expected use for - X
>       Y
>       Z
>       T
>       S
>       license compatiblity -
>       OASIS
>       W3C
>       A o    o    o IPR Type 1, Z - Yes, others No Z, T = Yes, X, S = No
>       B    o o o  No  No
>       C o o o    o Partial - IPR type 3, others no T = Yes, Y = partial
>       D    o o   No  Yes
>       E    o o o o No  No

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