Three new proposed OSD terms

Ernest Prabhakar prabhaka at
Wed Mar 2 16:37:39 UTC 2005

On Mar 2, 2005, at 8:11 AM, Joel West wrote:
> This seems like an administrative detail, not a principle of the open 
> source movement.

I think Joel makes a good point.   These seem like reasonable 
restrictions on Certification, but philisophically quite different than 
other aspects of the OSD.

I'd prefer to redefine OSI Certification to add these constraints, 
rather than burden the OSD per se with them.  As it is now, the OSD is 
(IMHO) a wonderful statement of "general community standards", rather 
than a pragmatic statement  of that the OSI wants to handle.  I'd hate 
to lose that.

-- Ernie P.

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