Let me reply to finalize discussion

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Dec 20 19:15:00 UTC 2005

Quoting Nikolai (n_k at au.ru):

> - I did not use a term "open source" in my license, you can check 
> http://tvl.ton.net.ru/Lic_ru_en_v01.pdf .

I can't help noticing that you've just changed the subject.  Are you the
same Nikolai <n_k at au.ru> who complained of OSI being a "monopolist"
because it's custodian of the OSD, or are you perhaps some different
Nikolai <n_k at au.ru> ?

[More parting rhetoric having nothing to do with OSD-compliance,
snipped.  "Oppose free exchange of content", tra-la.]

Oh well.  Good luck to you.

> - I did not ask an approval of my licence.

Then, you're on the wrong mailing list.  Bye!

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