OVPL & "Otherwise Make Available" (was RE: Change ot topic,back to OVPL)

Alex Bligh alex at alex.org.uk
Mon Aug 29 08:16:27 UTC 2005

--On 26 August 2005 11:08 -0700 Lawrence Rosen <lrosen at rosenlaw.com> wrote:

>> Is making the output of a program publicly available
>> "external deployment"?
> In OSL, no.
>> Is making a program available for remote execution "external
>> deployment"?
> In OSL, yes.
> Or at least that's what I intended. Do you also read section 5 that way?
> (See www.rosenlaw.com/DRAFT-OSL3.0.pdf.)

I must admit I don't (or rather I don't see that the answer to the first
is necessarily no). If you make the output of a program available (whether
publicly or not) to third parties *in response to their to requests it
be run*, that seems to me to be External deployment as it is:

"... use ... of the ... Works .. in such away that the ... works may be
used by anyone other than You."

I would construe the wording therein quite widely - for instance I think
it would cover making publicly available an FTP server whose code was
licensed under the OVPL.


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