ISC copyright for BIND

Zvezdan Petkovic zvezdan at CS.WM.EDU
Fri Oct 15 16:25:55 UTC 2004

I wonder why somebody doesn't start a procedure for including ISC
license (used for BIND nameserver) in Open Source Licenses.
You can see it here:

It is basically equivalent to BSD license.
OpenBSD project recommends it for the new code added to the project.
This page states:

	The ISC copyright is functionally equivalent to a two-term BSD
	copyright with language removed that is made unnecessary by the
	Berne convention. This is the preferred license for new code
	incorporated into OpenBSD. A sample license is included in the
	source tree as /usr/src/share/misc/license.template.

Since Open Source Consortium requires that a lawyer reviews the license,
I cannot afford that as an individual.  However, I think it's a shame
that a license used by one of the most important programs for Internet
is not yet approved by Open Source Consortium.  And frankly I doubt that
this restrictive procedure with lawyer review was applied to GNU, BSD,
MIT licenses when they were approved by the consortium.  They were just
taken as the reference open source licenses that started the whole
thing.  I believe that ISC license falls in the same category.

If the consortium doesn't want to approve it without the formal
procedure, I appeal to somebody who has the means to start the official
procedure for approving it.  We owe it to the people who gave us BIND
for free!

Best regards,
Zvezdan Petkovic <zvezdan at>

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