A new license for documentation

Michał Nazarewicz mina86 at tlen.pl
Sat Nov 13 17:45:11 UTC 2004

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I am writing because I have been using GNU FDL for my documentation but now 
I want to change the license to a OSI incompatible. There are so few
licenses for documentation and the ones I have found were not fulfilying
my needs.

Because of that I decided to create my own license. It's draft is
 available at http://cvs.projektcode.org/view.cgi/misc/mn-odl.txt . I want
 the license to:
  A. be OSD compatible,
  B. force derived works to be distributed under the same license (2.1.c),
  C. allow combining with other documents (3.2).
And I'm still thinking whether the license should:
  D. allow using parts of the document in a open source software,
  D.1. but not for not open source software (wouldn't that be against
       OSD 6?),
  E. force the modified version to have different title,
  F. force keeping the no-warranty clauses (including it was suggestes by
     the FSF).

I would be greateful for any comments on the license as well as any ideas
what should be added to/removed from the license.

- -- 
Best regards,                                          _     _
.o. | Liege of Serenly Enlightened Majesty           o' \,=./ `o
..o | of Computer Science,  Michal "MINA" Nazarewicz    (o o)
ooo +--<mina86 at tlen.pl>--<jid:mina86 at jabber.org>----ooO--(_)--Ooo--
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