[off-band] Re: FYI: Next draft of MySQL FLOSS license exception

Alexander Terekhov TEREKHOV at de.ibm.com
Tue May 18 12:35:41 UTC 2004

Read the GPL section 1. Read also creativecommons.org's share-alike
licenses. Finally, do me a favor and, in kinda "spirit" of the above 
mentioned section, please post the entire message of mine (including 
disclaimer) to the list. You can remove "[off-band]" prefix from the 
subject (given that you've already chosen to ignore it).


To:     Alexander Terekhov/Germany/IBM at IBMDE
cc:     license-discuss at opensource.org 
Subject:        Re: [off-band] Re: FYI: Next draft of MySQL FLOSS license 

Alexander Terekhov scripsit:

> The copyright law does NOT 
> establish exclusive right to "combine" works. FSF's 
> theory of derivative works (just like the sort of 
> "FSF-inspired" SCO's theory of derivative works) is 
> total crap. 

If you truly believe that, you can make a lot of money publishing
books that contain reprints of stories and articles from magazines
without paying royalties to the authors of those stories and articles.

Send us an email from the honor farm.

Mark Twain on Cecil Rhodes:                     John Cowan
"I admire him, I freely admit it,               http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
 and when his time comes I shall                
 buy a piece of the rope for a keepsake."       jcowan at reutershealth.com

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