For Approval: Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

Ernest Prabhakar Prabhaka at
Tue Mar 9 01:37:51 UTC 2004

If the only substantive change is dropping the patent termination 
clause, then this sounds like it is just as compliant as the IBM 

I haven't read the license, but assuming what Philip said is true then 
I'd recommend approval.

-- Ernie P.

On Mar 8, 2004, at 3:27 PM, Ma, Philip wrote:

> When the Eclipse consortium was first formed in November 2001, IBM's
> Common Public License v 1.0 (CPL) was used to license the initial
> Eclipse code base as open source.  The CPL was already approved by the
> OSI at that time as conforming to the Open Source Definition.  When
> Eclipse evolved into the Eclipse Foundation in February 2004, the
> membership of the new Foundation adopted their own open source license,
> the Eclipse Public License v 1.0 (EPL).  The EPL is based entirely on
> the CPL with three differences.  The differences between CPL and EPL 
> are
> as follows:
> 1)	The removal of Section 7, Paragraph 2, Sentence 1 of the CPL:
> "If Recipient institutes patent litigation against a Contributor with
> respect to a patent applicable to software (including a cross-claim or
> counterclaim in a lawsuit), then any patent licenses granted by that
> Contributor to such Recipient under this Agreement shall terminate as 
> of
> the date such litigation is filed."
> 2)	Name changed from "Common..." to "Eclipse Public License" in
> title and opening paragraph
> 3)	Agreement Steward changed from IBM to Eclipse Foundation in Sec
> 7, Para 4, Sent 4.
> The Eclipse Foundation has determined that these differences have no
> effect on the EPL's conformance to the Open Source Definition, and
> respectfully requests OSI Board approval of the EPL.
> Attached is a plain text versions of the EPL.
> An HTML version of the EPL can be found at:
> Mike Rank & Philip Ma - Eclipse Foundation Legal Advisory Committee
> Chairship, On Behalf of the Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors
> Questions regarding the Eclipse Public License can be directed to:
> Mike Rank:  mike.rank at
> Philip Ma: at
> <Eclipse Public License.txt>

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