Effect of the MySQL FLOSS License Exception?

Ihab A.B. Awad ihab at ahc.umn.edu
Fri Jun 18 18:38:50 UTC 2004

On Fri June 18 2004 11:11, Rick Moen wrote:
> Yes, it would be nice if the concept of derivative work were further
> clarified (in the software context) by our courts.  But I can't see why
> running it through a compiler would affect anyone's ownership.

Well, would it depend on the specifics of the "aggregation" in question?

It seems to me that this argument clearly applies if the source distribution 
is simply a directory containing "src/apache-1.3.1/" & "src/gnutar-1.2.3/". 
But what if the source of the allegedly infringing work includes header files 
from the original work, statically links in object code from it after 
invoking its makefiles, etc, and is otherwise unusable without the source of 
the original? In that case, are we simply back where we started, saying that 
there is an open question?

Thanks & peace,


Ihab A.B. Awad
Snr Scientific Programmer, Dept of Genetics
Stanford University
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