Dual licensing

Marius Amado Alves amado.alves at netcabo.pt
Sat Jun 5 04:22:26 UTC 2004

Rick Moen (and others) suggest the term "open source" be used only as 
defined by OSI. Maybe that would be a good thing, and as I said and 
pointed out (and Rick wasn't listening) I never say just "open source" 
tout court to mean something different, but life has shown repeatedly 
that the vast majority of speakers won't follow the suggestion. 
"Commercial open source" is a fairly established term to denote efforts 
(like the SDC's) to profitably license freely distributable and 
modifiable source code.

>>However I would say the SDC licence *is* "fundamentally" open source, 
>>because clause 6 is not the corner stone of open source, is it?
> If you would say that, you would be playing games and attempting to
> evade the point.

Kindly tell what point you feel I'm trying to evade.

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