Silly question: are usage restrictions covered by the OSD?

Chuck Swiger chuck at
Fri Oct 17 20:53:04 UTC 2003

On Friday, October 17, 2003, at 04:36 PM, Chris F Clark wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I feel slightly mis-quoted here, where Chuck Swiger
> wrote:
[ ... ]
> I believe I did not propose a usage restriction, except as clarifying
> what another person (Arnoud Engelfriet) wrote.  I don't believe usage
> restrictions except for those inherent in copyright law, are
> compatible with the OSD (at least not compatible with the spirit of
> the OSD).

Fair enough-- I didn't clearly distinguish between your response to 
Arnoud and your latter comments, and any misrepresentation resulting is 
my fault.  Apologies.


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