For Approval: HAL, Hermes Attribution License

Staff di info at
Fri Nov 7 12:58:25 UTC 2003

We need a new kind of license different from previously released, similar to 
the GPL open source license but able to protect and to grant directly 
intellectual rights and fees whenever the fees will come from professional 
(we think “commercial”) use of the products bounded with the license.
These are the principal differences between our license and the others just 
approved from OSI: 

 - We speak of  “open source” when our intents are to offer everyone the 
possibility to study, to applicate and to upgrade the source code of the 
software (the License refers in this case to Hermes_Net web platform), but 
we want also to grant everyone for the right economical profits whenever an 
application based on the core of the platform will be used for any not-free 
use (we think there are so many ways to use Hermes with money profits, like 
E-Learning, collective research, case studies, “vortal”, and content 
management used in professional structure (portal, newspaper, industries, 
private or public school,
). We don’t want to have control of any kind of 
fees based on modification, personalization or adaptation of the code. In 
this case we want just a feedback of the work developed, to understand and 
offering in open source mode the eventual significative upgrade of the 
product or important related plugin. 

Intellectual right:
 -We want to protect and grant the intellectual right of the author directly. 
Hermes is a powerful software able to create a kind of hypermedia/hypertext 
from a original document. This document belong to its author and could be 
also under copyright license (we speak about classical text for example, or 
about poetry, mathematical issue, newspaper articles and so on
). So, if we 
have an original production which will envolves in a different way creating 
a sub-web-network of collective derived production then we will consider 
these productions as author-based “copyrighted” work too, whose grants are 
the same of the original text. Everytime is used a text that violates the 
intellectual rights of author the responsability is only of the 
administrator (single or team) of the platform. Otherwise whenever a text is 
created and offends anyone, or is immoral, or could be dangerously for its 
content, only the author is to be considered responsible for his own work. 

We think there are no problems with others open source licenses, so the 
software could interacts with other products under the same license or with 
the standard OSI approved licenses. Our license is like GPL except for the 
questions of fees and intellectual grants. Every software could interact 
with our product we have find no limitation since the date of the 

Best regards 

Hermes Staff 
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