GPL + proprietary code license

Mark Rafn dagon at
Thu May 22 02:38:54 UTC 2003

On Wed, 21 May 2003, CI Group wrote:

> what happens if one uses commercial software licensed under the terms 
> that imply that any software that integrates in the software or is added 
> to the software (or a larger work) must be licensed under the same 
> license is used with GPL licensed software.

You may be violating the EULA of the commercial software if you integrate
GPL software into it and do not distribute the result.  It would depend on
the exact license and whether it's enforceable.  The GPL does not restrict
use in any way.  Neither does copyright law, for that matter - your
violation depends on you having a contract with the provider of the
proprietary software.

If you distribute the resulting derived work, you are in violation of 
copyright because you cannot use the GPL for the entire work.
Mark Rafn    dagon at    <>  
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