discuss: Entessa Public License Version, 1.0 (EPL)

Riley, Jason jriley at entessa.com
Wed May 14 18:48:44 UTC 2003

As a point of clarification, does this mean that EPL v1.0 will or will
not be placed on the approved list? We'd like to get OSI approval before
we release our first initiative. Thanks.

Riley, Jason scripsit:
> [ Please discuss this license.  -russ ]

These changes are trivial, amount to a templatization of the Apache
license, and should not even need Board approval.

Knowledge studies others / Wisdom is self-known;      John Cowan
Muscle masters brothers / Self-mastery is bone;
jcowan at reutershealth.com
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Vitality cleaves to the marrow / Leaving death behind.    --Tao 33
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