What happens when the copyright expires ?

Mikael Andersson snikkt at telia.com
Mon Mar 17 23:26:02 UTC 2003

Pardon me for this rather odd question and I hope it won't cause any permanet 
damage to anyones psychological health. My interest got sparked from the 
thread reasoning about if public domain can be considered open source.

1) Will a work stop being open source when the copyright expires and it 
becomes part of the public domain ?

2) If that is the case then can you distribute a music performing program with 
Moonlight Sonata [1] bundled and call it open source as a whole ?

3) Furthermore if they stop being open source will they stop being open source 
when the term of the first copyright year mentioned in a composite work would 
expire or when the last would expire ?

[1] http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=292

/regards Mikael Andersson

.sig.se: Monader kan spränga ens hjärna ... men det kan ju perl också.
.sig.en: Monads might blow your brain up ... and perl can do it as well.
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