Compatibility of the AFL with the GPL

Richard Stallman rms at
Thu Mar 13 07:48:21 UTC 2003

    > The key question:  If Person C who has W' sues Person A for 
    > patent infringement, does that void his license to do things with W'?

    If C sues A for patent infringement, C can no longer copy, modify or
    distribute W, or W+X, or W', because his license to do those things with
    W is terminated.

This means that the license for W+X is not the GPL.  More precisely,
that the GPL is not the whole of the license that applies to C for

The GPL does not permit using X in this way.  It does not permit
adding any other restriction whatsoever to any work that contains or
derives from X.

Section 7 applies to any other license that limits the GPL rights in
any way, and that includes terminating them under any conditions
where the GPL itself would not terminate them.
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