Compatibility of the AFL with the GPL

John Cowan cowan at
Thu Mar 13 01:37:12 UTC 2003

Brian Behlendorf scripsit:

> My common-sense, non-lawyer brain says that if person B says W+X or W' are
> under the GPL, it's really "GPL to Person B plus AFL to Person A." It
> appears to be Stallman's opinion, and it would be mine as well, that this
> cannot be the case, as the GPL prevents "additional restrictions", without
> a qualifier as to which party those restrictions are enforced by.

I agree.

John Cowan               cowan at
To say that Bilbo's breath was taken away is no description at all.  There
are no words left to express his staggerment, since Men changed the language
that they learned of elves in the days when all the world was wonderful.
        --_The Hobbit_
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