Ethics (OT) (was Re: Antiwar License)
Sergey Goldgaber
sgoldgaber at
Tue Mar 4 04:35:02 UTC 2003
--- Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 08:09:21PM -0800, Sergey Goldgaber wrote:
> > > And the current pending war is hardly the only issue that people
> > > are concerned about. Consider the state that software would be in
> > > if every possible issue were raised in a license.
> >
> > Yes, it is always possible that people everywhere will
> > restrict software use based on their ethics. This may not
> > be a positive result from a utilitarian perspective of
> > deriving maximum use from software (pesky ethics have a knack
> > for just getting in the way), but for those who act in
> > an ethical manner this result will be desirable.
> >
> > Your concerns may be about "the state of software", but mine
> > is about whether my work will be used to kill. A concern
> > with a prevalance of ethical licenses causing havoc on
> > the the usefullness of software can not be a primary
> > one for me.
> Why don't you simply keep your software private. If you avoid
> distributing it, you can be 100% certain it will not be used
> to support war.
> As we said before, you can't enforce this kind of license. So,
> your only choise is to simply DON'T distribute your software.
Yes, that is definately one option I am considering. However, there
are some detractions from such a choice. One of them being that I
believe an Antiwar License has the potential to be very popular. If
this does indeed occur, then it will help the anti-war movement, shine
more light on the ethical issues of software development, inspire
others, and sway public oppinion to see open source software in an even
more positive light.
Now, I would like to once again invite anyone interested in continuing
this discussion to join the OSSEthics list ( ) and continue it there, as the
OSI Discussion List really isn't the appropriate forum to hold a
political discussion of this nature, especially since it is clear that
an Antiwar License will likely not be compatible with the OSD as it
stands now.
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