discuss: Jaluna Public License 1.1

Benoit Poulot-Cazajous Benoit.Poulot-Cazajous at Jaluna.COM
Mon Mar 3 02:24:31 UTC 2003

[ Please discuss this license.  -russ ]


Please consider the Jaluna Public License 1.1 for approbation.

This license can be found at : 

A text version is appended at the end of this message.

This license is derived from the Mozilla Public License 1.1, with the following
modifications (cut&pasted from http://www.jaluna.com/developer/license.html) :

1) The license is named Jaluna Public License instead of 
   Mozilla Public License, as it refers to software distributed
   and maintained by Jaluna,
2) As required by the MPL, all references to Mozilla or Netscape, 
   have been replaced by equivalent references to Jaluna.
3) Sections 6.x of MPL 1.1 grants the right to make new versions 
   of the license to Netscape Communications Corporations. 
   The JPL 1.1 grants this right to Jaluna SA.
4) JPL 1.1 refers to the law of France.

I wish this application to be openly posted for discussion.

Thanks in advance,

  -- Benoit Poulot-Cazajous

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PS: This is a resend of an email I sent 2 weeks ago and got lost somehow. 
Sorry if you see it twice.

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