Viral licenses (was: wxWindows library...)
Alexander Terekhov
Sat Dec 13 17:43:55 UTC 2003
Arnoud Engelfriet wrote:
> If you distribute a work that is a derivative of GPL-licensed
> code, and you do not comply with the GPL, you simply violate
> the license. ...
Yeah. Simple.
The Lesser GPL, or LGPL, is a second software license written
by the Free Software Foundation. It sheds some light on the
FSF's view of linking and derivative works, both for the GPL
and LGPL:
When a program is linked with a library, whether
statically or using a shared library [i.e., dynamically],
the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined
work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary
General Public License therefore permits such linking only
if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The
Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for
linking other code with the library.
In other words, dynamic linking is permissible under the LGPL,
but not under the GPL. Whether one links to GPL code
dynamically or statically, one creates a derivative work. As
Lisa Green and Heather Meeker point out, software that
contains small portions of a copyrighted work that are
functional in nature (e.g., a "do loop" that efficiently can
only be written in one way) is generally not considered to be
a derivative work, but might be according to the GPL.
The GPL's language, then, tries to swallow every piece of
software that incorporates a GPL program or portions of it.
However, it probably cannot do so under the copyright law it
purports to follow. This definition of a derivative work
proves highly controversial in the software world, and may
not stand up in court. Regardless, however, it has spawned
fear in the closed-source world of software development, for
fear that linking to GPL code in any manner will cause the
closed-source code to be deemed a derivative, and hence
subject to the GPL's "open source" requirement.
This fear has inhibited scores of computer companies from
embracing Linux. This fear has been caused in large part by
the Free Software Foundation's inability or unwillingness to
clarify its position on derivative works. I asked two
prominent representatives of the Free Software
Foundation -- Eben Moglen, general counsel, and Richard
Stallman, founder -- to clarify thorny issues of linkage to
GPL code, and came up with two divergent opinions on
derivative works in specific contexts. Their responses (to
the question of whether or not they would consider the
following derivative works) are recorded below:
A driver loaded as a module into the Linux kernel?
Moglen: No
Stallman: Yes. I think Linus made a mistake when he said
he would interpret the GPL so as to regard these as NOT
extensions to Linux.
A module written to be plugged into an API defined
specifically to support dynamic loading?
Moglen: No.
Stallman: It depends on the detailed circumstances.
A program which uses a library? (i.e., Would it be fair
to say that this is generally not a derivative work of
that library?)
Moglen: This depends. Code statically linked to other
code is a derivative work of the code with which it is
linked, as far as we are concerned. But what follows
from that depends on the license involved. That's the
difference between the GPL and the LGPL, which is
designed to permit proprietary code to be linked and
distributed with free libraries.
Stallman: I think that depends on the detailed
A library linked to a program? (i.e., Is this a derivative
work of the program?)
Moglen: Code statically linked to code constitutes a
derivative work of the code to which it is linked,
without question, regardless of license terms. More
specifically, now regarding licensing as well as the
status of the work, code that cannot be used at all
unless dynamically linked to GPL'd code, and which is
distributed along with that GPL'd code, must be
distributed under the terms of the GPL. This provides
a competitive advantage to free software, requiring
those who wish to make unfree software to undertake
proprietary reimplementation of feature sets only
available in GPL'd libraries, such as GNU readline.
Stallman: That is normally true, but it one needs to
be careful drawing conclusions from it. Also, there
can be ambiguity in the definition of "library" which
can cause confusion about this.
A program running as a process on a Linux system? (A
derivative work of the Linux kernel?)
Moglen: Certainly not a derivative work of the kernel,
or of anything else, simply by virtue of executability
on free software systems, whether the kernel they
employ is Linux, the Hurd, or some other kernel.
Stallman: I agree here [that the program running as
a process on a Linux system creates a derivative
work] -- except that it's a misnomer to speak of "a
Linux system". Linux is the kernel; the system is
really the GNU operating system, modified to use
Linux as the kernel.
So basically in the "FSF world", your car is a derivative
work of its gas pedal. Give me a break.
Judge Saris focused primarily on the questions of: 1) whether
Gemini constitutes an independent or a derivative work;
Experts -- none of whom were permitted to testify today,
though Columbia Law School's Eben Moglen, perhaps among
others, was in the room -- had filed what the Judge called
"classic book-ends," or perfectly conflicting reports, on
some of the core questions, including the issue of the
derivative work.
She seemed to be moved by the NuSphere argument that there
was no "co-mingling" of the source code and that "linking"
to another program did not equate to creation of a
derivative work.
All in all, it appears that this federal court considers
the GPL to be a valid license, albeit with a somewhat
ambiguous clause about the obligations that arise when you
distribute code that combines both GPL code with code that
was developed independently. The outcome of this dispute
could have enormous implications. A victory for MySQL
would favor what some consider the spirit of the GPL: the
notion that code inspired by open source works should stay
open source. A victory for NuSphere, on the other hand,
might cut in favor of what some view as the long-term
success of the open source movement, by ensuring that
those who build off of open source materials can earn a
(Judge blocks route to GPL legal test case)
(NuSphere: needed because MySQL AB won't accept code)
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