Which License should I pick?

Scott Long scott at neuralnw.com
Wed Dec 3 23:12:54 UTC 2003

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> > The difference being, a core file actually contains executable
> > instructions from the original binary on disk. My format is different 
> > --
> > it only contains the DIFFERENCES between what is in memory and what is 
> > on
> > disk. So I'm wondering if my snapshots are derived works or not.
> A program consists of more than pure executable code.  Does your 
> snapshot include any of the original preinitalized data, say if it lies 
> on a page which also includes changed pre-initialized data?

No. By design, the snapshot contains NO data which can be found in a 
mapped file on disk. The snapshot uses a form of run-length encoding which 
describes the regions of memory which haven't changed; those regions will 
be restored from the original file on disk. Only modified/new data is 
stored in the snapshot. It's a streaming format, not page-by-page.

This is why I'm unsure whether the snapshot is a derived work. By design, 
it will NEVER contain any text/data from the original binary.

The snapshots do contain the MD5 sums of the original binary files, 
however. Is an MD5 sum considered a derived work (I highly doubt this)?

Thanks again,

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