discuss: OCLC Office of Research Open Source License

Forrest J. Cavalier III mibsoft at mibsoftware.com
Mon Sep 30 16:29:46 UTC 2002

This is how combined work is defined...

> A "Combined Work" results from combining and integrating all or
> parts of the Program with other code. A Combined Work may be
> thought of as having multiple parents or being result of multiple
> lines of code development.

Is this definition precise enough to exclude agregate works?

As written, it seems that Agregate works are a subset of Combined
works.  This indicates to me that Section D restrictions, because
they would apply to CD complilations for example, are not OSD compliant.


As another note, I personally do not consider "object code" 
non-modifiable.  In fact, back in the day when assemblers were slow,
simple flaws in code could be "hand-patched" by replacing the
defective code with a jump instruction out to unused memory, and
hand-assembling the code to perform the correct operation and jump

This hand-patching would save about 25 minutes of time for each bug, with
the added BIG advantage that the 180 page assembler output would
remain usable (because subroutine addresses would remain the same.)

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