time frame between request for approval and acknowledgement of request?

Bruce Dodson bruce_dodson at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 20 23:12:17 UTC 2002

What should one expect as a reasonable time period between the sumission of
a license-approval request, and some acknowledgement that the request has
been made?



On November 6, I wrote to license-discuss suggesting that the style of
permission notice used in Python 1.5, OGDI, Lucent AWK, Scintilla, etc.
should be considered for approval by the board.  On November 9, I made a
formal request to that effect.

A draft of the template is here:

I structured the request as a template so that it would match the minor
variations in wording / punctuation / proper names in these OSD-compliant
licenses.  Otherwise I would have to make a separate request for each
license.  The board is already overworked, and so am I.


I realize the actual time to discuss the license and process the request
will vary from one case to the next, and can be months.  However, I just
want to know that I'm in the queue.

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