Squeak Smalltalk license

Cees de Groot cg at cdegroot.com
Thu May 9 20:26:29 UTC 2002

 <chiatee1 at comp.nus.edu.sg> said:
>Have there been any discussions so far on whether the Squeak license
>(http://www.squeak.org/download/license.html) is OSD-compliant?
Yes, there have been - quite recently actually. The verdict was that the
Squeak license is not OSD-compliant, so the Squeak community is currently
working on getting Apple to publish Squeak under a different license. 

(note, too, that the OSD-compliance failures are minor and won't impact you in
your normal day-to-day use of Squeak).

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg at cdegroot.com>
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