[discuss] Application for License Review

Joshua Colson jcolson at nuleo.org
Wed Jun 19 02:26:07 UTC 2002

[ please discuss this license.  -russ ]

I submit to you the following license, titled the "Public Scripting License,"
and respectfully request that you examine it for approval as a certified Open 
Source license.

After an examination of currently approved licenses, I believe that the Q Public
License (QPL) is closest, as far as terms go, to the Public Scripting License.
However, the QPL, along with most other similar licenses, refers to
machine-executable code. Scripts, such as those programmed in PHP, Perl, and
Python, are virtually never distributed in machine-executable form, and thus
these previous licenses do not specifically address the special needs of
licensing scripts.

The License, in a similar way to that of the GPL, leaves open to the author of
the original work the decision as to what license takes precedence if code from
different license terms are aggregated into one script. I have no prejudice in
this matter, instead leaving it up to the original author and the modifying party.

I, along with the co-author of the License, have no issue with you posting this
license onto the license-discuss mailing list with our names intact.

Thank you in advance.

Joshua Colson
jcolson at nuleo.org

A copy of the License, in HTML form, may be found at:

[begin copy of license]

  Public Scripting License
  Last modified: June, 2002

  This license is copyright (c) 2002, Joshua Colson and Steve Tindle, III.
  You may freely distribute this license without restriction, as long as it
  is not modified in any way.

  1. You are free to use this script without any restriction of any kind.

  2. You are free to distribute this script without restriction, as long as it
  is distributed in its entirety without modification. You may charge a reasonable
  distribution fee, defined as no more than that which it cost you to copy, 
  and/or ship this script.

  3. If you modify and publicly distribute this script, or create a script using 
  derived from this script, you must adhere to the following limitations:

     a) At the top of the script source code, anywhere before the beginning of code,
        but optionally following any comments, you must include the following 
        "Portions of this code are derived from code by <author(s)> and licensed
        under the Public Scripting License", and you must preserve any copyright

     b) If your product is distributed with any printed material, you must include
        the following string in such material: "This product contains code that was
        originally programmed by <author(s)>.".

     c) If your product is distributed via electronic means, you must include in a
        README file, or in any other such named file that an end-user would normally
        read before the installation of a product, the following string: "This 
        contains code originally created by <author(s)>.".

     d) You must license your source code under the Public Scripting License.

     e) You may not use the name of the original author(s) to misrepresent your 
        as being endorsed or approved of by the original author(s), and you must not
        imply that you were the original author of the code from this script.

     f) You may not place any additional restrictions on the distribution of 
your derived
        script, other than that which is laid out within this license.

  4. If you do not accept any or all of the terms of this license, you do not 
have any rights
  to distribute or modify this product.

  5. If you wish to use code from this script along with code that is 
distributed under
  a different open source license, write to the author of this script to ask for 
  to distribute under an alternative license. The author may, but is not 
required to, allow
  you to license their code under a different license.

  6. This script is provided by the copyright owners "as-is", without any 
warranty whatsoever.
  The copyright owners and authors disclaim any responsibility whatsoever for 
any damages
  which may be caused by the use of this script.

[end copy of license]

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