The Simple Permissive License, v0.1

David Johnson david at
Sat Feb 9 21:43:39 UTC 2002

On Saturday 09 February 2002 10:33 am, Randy Kramer wrote:

> So, if the work is substantially modified, the copyright notice can be
> removed?  In that case I think I'd want something to keep my name on it
> as the original author, despite substantial modification -- maybe with a
> pointer to where the product can be found without substantial
> modification.

It depends on what "substantially" means. If someone took then lines of my 
code and mixed it up in 50,000 lines of their own, I certainly would not lay 
any claim to ownership or attribution.

Without clauses like this, you could end up with very lengthy attribution 

Based on code by ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Sections of this work derived from ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...
Function fubar() used with permission from Fred, who requires me to say that 
fubar is based on code by ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ...

David Johnson
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