Need help picking a license.

Studham, R Scott Scott.Studham at
Tue Feb 5 22:13:43 UTC 2002

I have some software that we developed.  I would like to release it as "Open
Source".  I am happy to give it out without cost and would be happy to let
others improve it.  The only thing requirement I got from the person who
paid for its development was the need to track the users of the software.
Since the code is all perl  the end user can see the software prior to
sending me their free registration information.  The funding person is okay
with this.

The tracking of users could be done by something as simple as the ./install
script running a question that asks if the user would be willing to send
their name.  If they say yes then they can proceed, if they say no then they
will get kicked out, but it's just perl...

Any ideas on what OSI licenses this would conform to?  Does the requirement
to track users keep something from being open-source?

R. Scott Studham
Technical Group Lead, MSCF Computer Operations
 Phone: 509-376-8430
   P.O. Box 999
   MSIN: K8-91
   Richland WA 99352
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