GPL and commercial licensing, Amphora product

David Johnson david at
Tue Feb 5 02:57:48 UTC 2002

On Monday 04 February 2002 07:45 am, Jüri Kaljundi wrote:

> ...
> ( is currently licensed under Mozilla type
> license...
> What we would like to do is to make potentially the free Amphora Light
> license a bit more relaxed, and for that we have considered starting to use
> the GPL License for the freeware version.

The GPL is more relaxed than a Mozilla type license? What exactly do you mean 
by "relaxed?" Or is your Mozilla type license not really Mozilla like? I 
usually classify licenses as strong copyleft (strict), weak copyleft 
(somewhat relaxed), and unrestricted (very relaxed). The GPL fits in the 
first category and the MPL in the second.

David Johnson
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