discuss: Modified Artistic License (eNetwizard Content Application Server)

Nathan Kelley phyax at runbox.com
Sat Aug 31 01:12:15 UTC 2002

To OSI License Discussion <license-discuss at opensource.org> subscribers,

> From: Robert Samuel White <webmaster at caofund.org>,

> http://enetwizard.sourceforge.net/license.html

Your reasoning behind using this license is quite good. The license is 
both fair and equitable, and is compliant with the Open Source 
Definition except for this one point:

> - You may not charge any fees for the Package itself.

This violates item 1 of the Definition:

"1. Free Redistribution

The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away 
the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution 
containing programs from several different sources. The license shall 
not require a royalty or other fee for such sale."

If this were fixed, I would welcome this license into the list of 
Approved Licenses.

Cheers, Nathan.
Nathan Kelley | phyax at runbox.com | phyax at mac.com

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