Legal soundness comes to open source distribution

Rick Moen rick at
Wed Aug 14 18:45:41 UTC 2002

Quoting Lawrence E. Rosen (lrosen at

> Of course, that makes it even more important for the OSD to be precise,
> and for the OSI board to be rigorous and not arbitrary in its review of
> licenses.  That's another reason why I don't like Rick Moen's suggestion
> that OSI merely apply the "rule of reason" to its license approval
> process.  I have informed the OSI board that, under trademark law, they
> cannot be arbitrary and capricious and still retain ownership of the
> certification mark.

I was unaware of that concern, when I made the suggestion.  (In fact, I 
hadn't known it involved any sort of legal question.)  Perhaps you, or
one of OSI's other attorney friends, have some notion how much
discretion trademark caselaw suggests is permissible.

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