YAPL is bad (was: Re: Backlog assistance?)

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Mon Sep 24 14:26:03 UTC 2001

begin Rob Myers quotation:

> It does however clash with many existing licenses that assume
> acceptance of the license by usage of the code and give a general
> offer of distribution on this basis.

I'm sorry, but I don't grasp what you mean.  Perhaps you could give an

> It also requires a fair amount of legalese to clarify "public" and
> "non-public" usage, and very careful auditing.

I cannot see that this is the case at all, since the OSD is not a
licence itself.  It is an attempt to specify and explain the sorts of
traits the OSI requires in licences it will approve.

> Finally, I believe that it requires licenses to build in a back door
> for the closing off of open source code, one that unscrupulous
> organizations will eagerly exploit.

This is the one that really puzzled me.  What do you mean by a "back
door", and "closing off"? 

But, of course, you were being very speculative, and rather jumping the
gun:  My assumption that the OSI Board shares my notion that the right
to privacy should be a part of the definition of open source may be
entirely untrue.  Russ for one sounded skeptical at best. 

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