newsforge story

sambc at sambc at
Thu Sep 6 15:14:07 UTC 2001


I for one will have a look at them when I have 
time (like when I'm not at work)

> > "Members briefly bandied about a suggestion to 
> > form volunteer focus groups for each pending 
> > license; but there was no official public 
> > response from the OSI to the license-discuss 
> > list, and it seemed that was what the list was 
> > waiting for."
>I see no need for volunteer focus groups.  Comment on the licenses
>that have been sent to the list.  Use the mailing list for what it was
>created for.

I never said there was a need for it, merely that 
it would be beneficial. I will support my view:

The license-discuss list can, and has in the past, 
and will continue to, provide a decent critique 
and commentary. Focus groups could fulfil a
different, but related, role.

A small group of people who make a commitment to 
the job would, over a short period, focus upon one 
license and provide a report summarising there 
views and those expressed on license-discuss. 
Would you, Russ, as one Board Member, be willing 
to entertain the concept as a possibility. A pilot 
scheme with some volunteers has already been 
suggested, and I for one would like to go for it 
in order to explore how useful it could be.

> > Now I am happy to do work implementing this and 
> > working with it once it is implemented. Can we 
> > have a reply from the board as to this 
> > possibility?
>"So okay, my feeling is to write these folks off 
>as whingers. My opinion is subject to change, but 
>first I want to see some discussion about the 
>submitted licenses." - Russ Nelson
>Since I wrote that, I've been seeing some commentary; in particular
>about the RTSP Proxy License.  Good job!

I'm glad that you are happier with our response. Vice-versa remains to be seen :o)

Sam Barnett-Cormack
license-discuss archive is at

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