Intuit License

kmself at kmself at
Wed Mar 7 23:21:53 UTC 2001

on Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 08:50:22PM -0500, John Cowan (cowan at wrote:
> Philip M=?iso-8859-1?q?=F6?=tteli scripsit:
> > I've already sent that request to the -address two weeks ago and
> > haven't received any reaction so far. So I try to send it here directly:
> License-request is rather slow, because clearing licenses from the queue
> depends on volunteer action.
> > Intuit has kindly released the so called P-Kit to the community under
> > their new "Intuit Public License".  Because it was me, who negotiated
> > with Intuit to release that software to the open source, it seems to
> > remain in my hands to make this license be apporoved by the community,
> > although it hasn't been formulated by me in any way.
> It looks like a close variant of the IBM/Common Public License.

Indeed.  After reformatting it to a readable standard, I started going
through it.  While changes are largely expected name substitutions, I
also note that the patent clause is changed slightly to the extent that
the hardware license exclusion isn't included.

Again, I'd suggest that license submissions be accompanied with
documentation *describing* the license, including model licenses (in
this case the IBM PL v. 1.0, apparently) and *all verbatim differences,
or in the case of a nonliteral following, a mention of licenses (if any)
providing guidance.

Larry Rosen included a lengthy comparison of the Jabber and Mozilla
licenses.  While the in-depth doc is useful, a more concise (1 page?)
summary would also be of use.

While such documents *cannot* substitute for legal analysis, they can
help guide it.  In particular, discrepencies from the description and
the actual text of the license should stand as a red flag.

I'd be curious as to how lawyers approach license and contract analysis.

Karsten M. Self <kmself at>
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
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