Copyright & License Questions

SamBC sambc at
Thu Jun 21 18:07:27 UTC 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Cowan [mailto:jcowan at]
> > 7) If I had a client who hired me to do a customized and
> closed-version of
> > the Open Source software, what license would enable me to do so?
> Almost any except the GPL.

Wrong. If you are the license holder, you are free to re-license as you see
fit. You cannot revoke a license like the GPL (although a license may have
revocation clauses, I feel the OSD wouldn't permit it), so you cannot stop
people who already have/are distributing the GPL version, but *you* (and
only you, or those expressly given an alternative license permitting them to
do so) can make a new version non-GPL.


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