license submission: qmail

Matthew C. Weigel weigel+ at
Thu Jun 7 18:38:09 UTC 2001

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, John Cowan wrote:

> So if you devise qmail patches, you can pass them to your friends.

I wasn't contesting that in any way.  I was contesting Brian's claim
that passing around patches was not enough in the *spirit* of open
source.  I think that patches and binaries are enough.

>  > and people
>  > need to be able to distribute binaries of their hacks for people less
>  > inclined to compile themselves.
> I agree.  But that's not what the OSD says.

Well, I expressed my opinion:

	I think that " built from modified source code..."
	implies *binaries* built from modified source code fairly
	clearly.  Which is not allowed.

That is, I think the distinction made is sufficiently clear for people
who are not trying to avoid the obvious interpretation.  Not that I'm
arguing "don't change it," just that I think Brian's interpretation is
 Matthew Weigel
 Research Systems Programmer
 weigel+ at

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