Two GPL Questions

Kenny Tilton ktilton at
Mon Dec 10 08:51:45 UTC 2001

Rick Moen wrote:
> I'm unclear on the nature of your question:  You said you were planning
> to release some software under the GNU GPL, but wanted our insights into
> the implications of these two things you've cited.  But further on, you
> come across as just venting displeasure.  So, what exactly is your
> question, if you don't mind?

What contradiction do you see? I was all set to go GPl when I noticed
some crappy clauses. So i asked about them hoping I was wrong, so I
could still use the GPL. Turns out I was right about the clause for the
most part but that I had missed the escape hatch: when cross-referencing
the GPL from the copyright notice, delete their suggested "and later
versions", and specify an exact version. Then the bothersome clause does
not apply. Which means I can use the GNU GPL. Happy ending all the  way

thx to you and everyone for all the detailed feedback, I look forward to
this open experiment.

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