Two GPL Questions

Kenny Tilton ktilton at
Mon Dec 10 00:20:42 UTC 2001

David Johnson wrote:
> My opinion is to specify a version.

Good, that is what I settled on, thx for the reinforce.

> Perhaps you might want to look at another license altogether.  There are
> several weak to moderate copyleft licenses (MPL, QPL, etc) that may fit your
> needs without making you feel cheap-and-easy for using them. Or maybe
> copyleft just isn't for you. 

i think copyleft is a good way to share something widely which might
also be marketable. The "free" crowd get to use it under the GPL or
equiv, but I have the option of cutting a license for commercial use
with someone who does not want to GPL their stuff.

Mind you there is a strong chance I will go LGPL, but until I decide for
sure on that I think the GPL is the best way to keep control of the
software (and I agree the GPL is about control).

thx for the input,

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