Now I'll do it myself: OWL R1

mirabilos eccesys at
Sat Apr 28 20:04:40 UTC 2001

Now I will post the license I developed for my own work
by myself, after I found a name for it:
 OWL Release 1
the Open Work License
because it doesn't just cope code but also docu and my

I'll give it here without comment first, just plz have
a look onto it and - if you can spend some more minutes
- discuss with me.
(The last line is a CRC, the file is exactly 2kB, and
 the semicolones (yes I can latin) are for NASM. I put
 it into file LICENSE or - if I just have one source
 file in (my most used) assembly, at top of it).

Well, here it is.

PS: Don't CC: me as I am on the list at the moment.
PPS: I am German, so excuse my bad English plz.

----8x---snip (dont expect the crc to be adler32 or so, it is different)

;Any work referring to this License is copyrighted work and intellectual
;property of its author, the following person if not stated differently.
; Copyright (c) mirabilos[TM] <eccesys at>
; All rights reserved; Lex Occultae Germanorum infertum sit
;If different or additional people put their work under this License, in
;the file referring to the License this must be explicitly stated.
;If additional licensing terms are subject to be applied to work covered
;by this License it MUST be EXPLICITLY stated on a PER-FILE base and CAN
;NOT be implied e.g. by Service Provider Terms of Usage, in which hereby
;contrary sections shall become VOID!
;In no event shall author or contributors, subsequently addressed by we,
;be liable for any damage or malfunction caused by the work which hereby
;is provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind. If using the work
;you accept to be bound to this License and never will sue us over it.
;Only the original bitstream of a package created by mirabilos is marked
;as "verbatim" under this License, any other package will only be called
;"original" (if unchanged). Nobody shall ever alter the License in ipso.
;You may copy, use, distribute, include the original work in any manner.
;You may modify it and then copy, distribute... the modificated work de-
;pending on retaining this License (file) with it.
;You may include it originally or modificated in work you created and to
;which this License does not apply, however it still fully covers any of
;the new work taken over from the work protected by this License, and it
;covers modifications you did to it. You must remark a Copyright line in
;order to show you have contributed to it. If no Copyright line has been
;in the file you also must add one for mirabilos. On request source code
;of any work covered by this License must be made available if exists.
;If you are inspired by our work you are forbidden to claim intellectual
;property on work done afterwards. However you still ought to credit us.

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