Modifying existing licenses in minor ways

Adam C. Engst ace at
Wed Nov 29 15:24:27 UTC 2000

At 6:13 PM -0800 11/28/00, kmself at wrote:
>It's been part of my argument with Larry Rosen WRT the Jabber License.  While
>I agree with him in being able to move beyond the current state of art
>in licensing, rather than being stuck with static terms dictated by
>another party, I still have very strong misgivings over license
>Fortunately, the practice appears to be fading somewhat, and projects
>which have adopted distinctive licenses are either fading or adopting
>one of the emergent standards (GPL, BSD/MIT, or MozPL).

 From this, it would seem that you're saying my concern over making 
necessary modifications to a license is well-founded, and most open 
source projects are dealing with it by adopting one of the licenses 
that explicitly tries to be general. I guess my question remains, 
though. If you do need to make any changes at all, is it true that 
OSI needs to re-certify the result?

cheers... -Adam

Adam C. Engst, XNSORG President                  XNS Name: =Adam Engst
                Email: <ace at>         Web: <>

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