kmself at ix.netcom.com
kmself at ix.netcom.com
Fri Nov 17 09:20:35 UTC 2000
on Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 11:45:11PM -0800, David Johnson (david at usermode.org) wrote:
> On Monday 13 November 2000 10:58 pm, kmself at ix.netcom.com wrote:
> > Besides, the point of the BSD/MIT licenses is to allow this
> > licensing transitivity. You'd similarly not be able to redistribute
> > code derived from BSD/MIT terms after combining it with a typical
> > proprietary license.
> Including the source code is one thing, but dynamically linking to a
> library is a different beast. The typical proprietary license
> (actually all of them that I can think of) place no restrictions on
> how I can license my own application if I dynamically linking to them.
> That sort of restriction seems to be limited to the Open Source world.
> To be fair however, most proprietary libraries have other restrictions
> that more than make up for their liberalism in this area.
The difference is this:
- A proprietary software development library has to both allow you to
distribute product *and* provide a revenue stream for the library
- A free software library may want to promote use of the library
and/or the idea of free software itself.
In the case of the GNU GPL, you've got an ideological document -- it's
aim is to propogate its own core idea of free software. This may
include restrictions on how a library can be linked to a program not
covered under the same terms as the library. The GNU LGPL was developed
to loosen these requirements somewhat.
There are a couple of instances of proprietary libraries and/or
development environments which essentially place stringent limitations
on how code written for them can be used, particularly if runtime
environments are required.
It's really a matter of ideology though.
> > Sorry. And I can't spell it either, or I might've noticed.
> >
> > As I understand, the "Independent and separate" language refers to
> > programs which don't cross the link-layer boundary. Though this is
> > a bit fuzzy in definition. Whether you can get away with shipping,
> > say, binaries and object files, I'm not sure. As seperate entities,
> > shipped separately, possibly. Together, probably not.
> Is this "link-layer" boundary defined in copyright law? It certainly
> isn't in the GPL. RMS seems to draw his line there, but does he have
> any concrete reasons for drawing it there? (I'm sure he does, I just
> don't know what they are).
The idea is that, if a program is a work, and if (as the courts have
held, in Mai v. Peak) a program in memory meets the fixed and tangible
requirements of copyright law, and is therefore a copy under copyright
law, then a program linked to a library at runtime is a derivative work.
There's some conflating of this under copyright law -- I believe the US
statute doesn't restrict running a program by the "rightful owner"
(language which raises interesting questions in the context of, say,
contractors or casual visitors to a workplace). But essentially, the
idea is that the GNU GPL is still working with accepted notions under
law as to what a work is, and what constitutes derivative works of it,
under copyright law.
> But this is getting off topic. All I need to know is my legal standing
> if I distribute two nearly identical BSD licensed packages, one linked
> to QT/X11 and the other to Qt/Embedded. As near as I can tell, the
> only real difference between them would be a different library name
> sent to the linker.
I don't know the answer to that.
> --
> David Johnson
> ___________________
> http://www.usermode.org
Karsten M. Self <kmself at ix.netcom.com> http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
Evangelist, Zelerate, Inc. http://www.zelerate.org
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