LGPL and the OSD

Bryan George bgeorge at mitre.org
Thu Nov 2 18:12:36 UTC 2000

At the risk of starting another longish thread, I have to ask a question
that arose in my mind from yesterday's LGPL discussion:  Is the LGPL
truly OSD-compliant?

The OSD states that a compliant license must not restrict anyone from
making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor.  At the same
time, LGPL Section 6 states that anyone distributing a linked executable
must use "a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the

It seems that, since shared library mechanisms in commercial embedded
systems are quite rare, this provision is a license trap against the
field of commercial embedded systems development, which if so would be a
clear violation of OSD clause 6.

I strongly suspect I'm reading this incorrectly - anyone care to point
out how?



Dr. Bryan George                     Phone: +1 (703) 883-5458
Lead Signal Processing Engineer      FAX:   +1 (703) 883-6708
The MITRE Corporation                Email: bgeorge at mitre.org
1820 Dolley Madison Blvd., M/S W622  Internet: http://www.mitre.org
McLean, VA 22102-3481 USA

Disclaimer: I speak for absolutely no one besides myself.

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