LGPL clarification

Bryan George bgeorge at mitre.org
Thu Nov 2 15:57:55 UTC 2000

David Johnson wrote:
> So go ahead and write a license that covers all the points of the LGPL, but
> don't follow it's structure or wording. I would say that the odds of RMS
> approving it are pretty good as long as it complies with his Free Software
> definition. He might counsel you to use the LGPL instead, but he won't take
> you to court over it.

Thanks for the advice.  Alas, "license writer" isn't part of my job
description, and at any rate, I know enough about the law to know I'd
mess it up if I tried... :)

I hope I can either get approved or (better yet) find an
already-approved LGPL variant that accomplishes what I'm after. 
Actually, what I _really_ hope is that LGPL version 3 or something like
it is a better interface between the commercial and OSS worlds than
version 2.

> --
> David Johnson
> ___________________
> http://www.usermode.org


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