Choosing the right license

David Johnson david at
Thu Nov 2 11:02:59 UTC 2000

On Wednesday 01 November 2000 05:35 pm, Charlie Stross wrote:

> What we want to do is make our application available under a license
> that complies with the open source definition (as a minimum -- the
> FSF's definitions would be better), but that makes it difficult for a
> commercial entity to charge third parties for the use of the software.
> That is: there should be no problems for a business using the application
> for its own internal use, but it should be difficult to charge customers
> a fee for using it as a service.

If the license forbids charging customers for any service that is theirs to 
provide then it will have a very tough time being approped as either OSS or 
FS. To translate your wishes another way, you want "to make it difficult for 
Redhat to include your software on its distribution".

David Johnson

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