Does linux use GPL or not??

David Johnson david at
Tue Aug 8 06:59:03 UTC 2000

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000, Greg Wright wrote:

> Sorry, but I have to point this out because it is misleading, if you buy a
> boxed set of RH software, and go about duplicating it, then selling it, I
> am afraid your are breaking the law , RH does not give anyone the right to
> duplicate its boxed set AFAIK and understand, ask   legal at

You are right. I was thinking in terms of the GPLd kernel and not all
the rest of Redhat's distribution. I was sloppy. Sorry for the

> Also I really wish people did interpret free as "freedom" not free as in
> "free lunch" or "beer"

A quibble of words. In the context of the discussion, it is clear that
my use of the word "free" referred to the lack of price. The purpose of
software piracy is not to grant certain distribution permissions to
the end user, but to avoid a monetary price.

David Johnson

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