OSI Branding for GeoVRML and tsmApi licenses
Martin Reddy
reddy at ai.sri.com
Wed Apr 26 20:03:20 UTC 2000
Further to the instructions on the OSI web page, we at SRI would like to
submit two software licenses for consideration as branded Open Source
licenses. These are
1. The GeoVRML 1.0 license - produced to cover the source distribution
of the GeoVRML effort. This provides an extension to the ISO Virtual
Reality Modeling Language (VRML97) for supporting geographic
applications. The license can be found on the web at:
2. The tsmApi 1.0 license - produced to cover the source distribution
of SRI's Tile Set Manager API. This API provides routines for reading,
creating, and querying large multi-resolution terrain datasets over
the web. The license can be found on the web at:
Both of these licenses are based largely upon the Mozilla Public License
version 1.0, which is of course already an OSI branded license. The main
differences beyond some minor syntactic and structural changes are mostly a
tightening of the IP issues to provide greater protection, e.g.
- Use "Distributor" in place of Mozilla's "Contributor", so that
anybody who distributes under this license will be covered.
- Changed the definition of Modification, using the established legal
concept of "derivative work", and also providing an exception for
pure library-style use.
- A Distributor Registration clause has been added so that we can keep
track of modifications and have more opportunity to merge these into
the mainline.
- An Attribution clause to require notice of use of the library in any
documentation for a Larger Work
- For the tsmApi library only, we have added a clause excluding from the
license any "developer-level exposed API" that is incompatible with our
Documented API. This was done so that the API is respected in any
We are happy to have these two licenses reviewed by the license-discuss list
and to have our identification posted (SRI International). I have attached
ASCII versions of both license to this message for your convenience.
Many thanks,
Martin Reddy SRI International, AI Center
Menlo Park, CA 94025-3493
reddy at ai.sri.com Tel : (650) 859-6468
http://www.ai.sri.com/~reddy Fax : (650) 859-3735
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