Apache v. GPL

Martin Konold konold at alpha.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
Wed Apr 12 08:08:32 UTC 2000

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, W. Yip wrote:

> My final question is this. When literature mentions 'compatibility', do
> they refer to compatibility of licenses in a situation involving:

According to RMS the _only_ way to become compatible to the GPL is to
allow for conversion to the GPL. Any restriction which disallows
conversion to pure unmodified GPL (incl. additional acknowledge
requirements) lead to incompatibility with the GPL. 

GPL is in the above interpretation _very_ intolerant and restrictive.

-- martin

// Martin Konold, Stauffenbergstr. 107, 72074 Tuebingen, Germany  //   
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