Simple Public License, third draft
Justin Wells
jread at
Thu Sep 30 16:08:43 UTC 1999
Hi Bruce,
Are you happier with this draft? I removed the langage relating to
purpose. I've sent a copy of it to a lawyer or review now, and hope
to be able to start using it, and promoting its use, soon.
- - - -
Simple Public License
(c) 1999 Justin Wells
All Rights Reserved
This license lets you use our software for free, create freely available
modified versions of it, and sell non-free binary applications based on
it. In return, you have to give us credit. Since our software is free,
there is no warranty, and we accept no liability. This paragraph is not
legally binding, the actual terms of the license follow.
"Our software" refers to the work covered by this license, including
all programs, source code, files, examples, APIs, designs, documentation,
and other materials it consists of. "We", "us", and "our" refer to the
owners of our software. "You" and "your" refer to each licensee.
The "basic rights" to software are defined to be:
The right to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, and
sublicense verbatim copies of the software, and to charge a fee for
doing so; and the right to derive a "binary application" or "modified
version" of the software, and to have these basic rights to it.
These basic rights are world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, and
include a limited grant under any patent right, trademark, or copyright
that applies to the software, minimally sufficient to allow full
enjoyment of the other basic rights.
A "binary application" of some original software is defined to be: Any
executable program created by "compiling" or "linking" separate source
materials with a verbatim copy of the original, without patching or
otherwise altering the original aside from the transformations ordinarily
performed by standard compilers and linkers.
A "modified version" of some original software is defined to be: (1)
Any software derived from the original, such as a software library or
application builder, whose output or product consists of an executable
program or software library which itself includes material from the
original; and (2) any work, excluding "binary applications", created
by adding to, deleting from, editing, or otherwise altering material
from either the original or from a work derived from the original.
"Compiling", "linking", "patching", "software library", "application
builder", "source code", etc., are technical terms which have the
meanings that typical computer programmers would expect them to.
We grant you the above "basic rights" to our software, limited by (and
conditional upon your fulfilling) the following obligations.
You will credit us in the primary documentation of any work derived
from our software, describing how to obtain our software for free. You
must also include a copy of this license when you distribute material
covered by it.
If you create, perform, or distribute a "modified version" of our
software you agree that:
a) Your modified version will be licensed as a whole at no charge
and without restriction to all third parties under the terms of
this license, and if distributed, will include all source code.
b) You will not cause your modified version to become dependent on
additional software unless that additional software is also freely
available to the public under a license which grants everyone the
above basic rights. Software is "dependent on" other software if
it is fully functional only when that other software is present.
c) You will provide us with timely access to your modifications,
including all source code, in a convenient electronic form.
These obligations do not apply to copies of software that you place
under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any later version,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Our software is our copyrighted property, with all rights reserved.
You may not copy, distribute, display, perform, sublicense, or modify
our software except as expressly provided under this license: Any other
attempt to do so is void and will automatically terminate all your
rights to our software, as will any failure to fulfill your obligations
under this license, unless you cure such failure to comply within thirty
days of becoming aware of it.
However, we will permit you to continue distributing our software
as part of an aggregate collection for one further year, even
though recipients of it may not receive any rights; and the
rights of any third party who received an unmodified, verbatim
copy of our software from you shall survive termination.
Litigation relating to this license will be subject to the laws of
our state or province, with venue lying in our local region. Nothing
in this license will be interpreted strictly against us. If any part
of this license is ruled invalid, the rest shall remain in effect.
Use our software at your own risk: it may contain bugs, may fail to
function correctly, and has been provided without support or maintenance
of any kind.
There is NO WARRANTY for our software: it is licensed to you on an "AS
IS" basis, without even the implied warranties of fitness to purpose or
merchantability. Under no circumstance will we be held liable for damages
arising from the use, misuse, or inability to use our software, no matter
whether they are direct, indirect, special, incidental, or economic
consequential damages, or for damages resulting from a third party
claim, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
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