Draft 1 of the OpenDesk.com Public Source License

David Starner dvdeug at x8b4e53cd.dhcp.okstate.edu
Mon Nov 15 21:10:00 UTC 1999

On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 03:53:10PM -0500, Raymond Luk wrote:
> **2.3 You may Deploy Covered Code on servers available to the general
> public, provided that You must in each instance:
> **(a) satisfy all the conditions of Section 2.1 and Section 2.2 with respect
> to the Source Code of the Covered Code;
> **8(b) submit Deployed Covered Code to the OpenDesk.com Compatibility Test
> (OCT);
> **(c) remove all OpenDesk.com brand or related materials (such as the name,
> logo, graphics, icons, and color schemes) if your Deployed Covered Code does
> not pass the OCT.

It would be nice to to have an option not to bother with the OCT if you know
you're not going to pass it. For example, something like . . .
(b) you may submit ....
(c) . . . if your code does not pass the OCT or if you chose not to submit
it to the OCT.
David Starner - dstarner98 at aasaa.ofe.org
I see no trend at all, except toward women playing mean and ugly 
sociopaths who are good at killing and who enjoy dark powers. Maybe 
it's just my friends?
	-- Dr. Kromm, on who plays what type of character in RPGs

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