keeping patentable algorithm free

John Cowan cowan at
Thu Jul 29 12:29:54 UTC 1999

jeff at scripsit:

> 1) I don't want to spend a lot of money or do a lot of work.
>    (i.e. I don't want to go through the hassle of applying for a 
>    patent myself.)
> 2) I don't care if other people use the algorithm.
> 3) Somebody, somewhere else may re-invent the algorithm and try to
>    patent it, and then perhaps keep me and others from using it. I'm
>    afraid of this and don't want it to happen.

Publish a description of the algorithm, openly dedicating it to the
public domain.  Make sure the publication is dated. That won't help you
if a patent is already pending, but otherwise it makes the algorithm
prior art.

John Cowan                                   cowan at
       I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin

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