[FLOSS-Desktops] FLOSS Desktops For Kids

Patrick Masson masson at opensource.org
Mon Mar 19 16:38:49 UTC 2018

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks so much for reaching out regarding FLOSS Desktops for Kids. I
apologize for the broken link. Can you try this one: https://wiki.opens

Regarding your specific question regarding the curriculum, you can find
a copy of what we call MAKE Worksheets, at https://drive.google.com/ope

You'll find several other resources on the wiki page--it may actually
be a bit overwhelming--so I would be happy to set up a time to chat
about the program and how we can help you set up something for PAL.

My availability this week is (I am in New York):

Tues, 03/19: Open after 2:00pm EDT
Weds. 03/20: Open all day
Thurs, 03/21: Open after 2:00pm EDTFri, 03/22: Open after 11:00am EDT

Let me know if you'd like talk. Again thanks so much for reaching out,

On Fri, 2018-03-16 at 17:44 -0700, Jonathan Keith wrote:
> Mr. Masson –
> My name is Jonathan Keith and I live in Santa Barbara, CA.  I
> currently help with the Santa Barbara Police Activities League (PAL)
> – a non-profit that engages middle school and high schoolers in a
> variety of activities, including sports, tutoring, and leadership
> development.
> I, along with a few of my fellow board members who also have STEM
> backgrounds, are trying to introduce some element of technology into
> the curriculum at PAL and through internet searching I came your
> project.  In a comments section, you mentioned: 
> “We (the OSI) are now expanding the program to other schools /
> districts that are interested and have developed a curriculum and
> resources for teachers to help implement the program. Happy to share,
> feel free to contact me directly.”
> To the extent that the offer still stands, I’d love to get more
> information on the curriculum you have developed, as I think such a
> program would be of great benefit in our organization.  I did try the
> link that you referenced in your article:
> https://wiki.opensource.org/bin/Main/Projects/FLOSS+Desktop+Refurbish
> ment+and+Distribution/
> …but it seems to want login credentials.
> Regardless, any information you could provide about the program would
> be most helpful.
> Thanks for your time!
> Jonathan
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Patrick Masson
General Manager & Director, Open Source Initiative
855 El Camino Real, Ste 13A, #270
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States
Office: (415) 857-5398
Mobile: (970) 4MASSON
Freenode: OSIMasson
Email: masson at opensource.org
Website: www.opensource.org
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